翟乃刚 Nigel Naigang Zhai

Nigel Naigang Zhai, Ph.D candidate
• 7 years’ of experience in education with reputable post‐secondary institutions in both China and North America with extensive knowledge of public and private education systems
• Over 20 years’ teaching experience with both foreign students in China and Chinese students in Canada including York Region District School Board, East China Normal University, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.
• Excellent cross‐cultural communication skills, leadership skills, mature, self‐motivated
• Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from top ranked teachers’ university
Ph.D candidate, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other languages
Supervisor | Mandarin Programs July 2017-
Yip's Canada
Chinese Teacher,G5-8 and G9 Credit Course(LKMBD)July 2017-
Somerset Academy
Founding Director Jan. 2019-
Canadian Society of Chinese Language Education |www.cscle.ca
Client Support and Business Development May 2016 – June 2017
Watermark insurance Service Inc. Toronto, Canada
• Responsible for developing Mandarin‐speaking market in GTA that established business relationships
with insurance brokers and advisors to grow business through cold call, in‐person meeting,
presentation and other business development tactic
• Successfully facilitate advisors’ new insurance application process by connecting the applicants with
nurses and other resources, booking appointments, coordinating health examinations and solving
• Maintain the existing relationship with current clients by constant communication, product and service
Founding Director April 2016‐present
GTA Chinese Language Test Centre Toronto, Canada
• Proactively acted as an ambassador of Chinese language and culture in the GTA to promote language
learning and evaluation with around 200 students taking tests every year
• Creatively designed the website, social platform and all marketing materials for the centre from scratch
• Constantly provided counseling and services related to Chinese proficiency test and answered inquiries
from parents and students
• Liaised with local media, educational institutions and organizations for marketing and public
relationship opportunities to expand the services and increase the impact
Program Manager May 2012‐ March 2016
Bond Education Group | Bond International College Toronto, Canada
• Effectively Promoted Bond’s educational programs through creating, managing and growing social
media presence, i.e. blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other strategically relevant online platforms
• Wrote blog posts, articles, newsletters and other communications and marketing material for social
media channels (http://www.bondcollege.cn/2015/0612/111.html)
• Worked as a key contact and mentor for new internationally students to get them familiar with the
new learning environment and ensure optimized learning experience Managed students’ dormitories
to provide international students a well‐organized and disciplined living environment
Program Manager & Chinese Teacher May 2012‐March 2016
HSK Toronto Centre (Bond Education Group) Toronto, Canada
• Managed Chinese proficiency tests
• Managed, promoted and taught Mandarin Panda Summer Camp from 2012‐2015
• Successfully organized 15 seminars and workshops to promote mandarin programs in North America
• Co‐Founder and Committee member of the 1st Mandarin Panda Competition with over 500 students
participating the event
Chinese Teacher September 2012‐ June 2013
Toronto, Canada
• St. Robert CHS (YCDSB, ACE, Sat. Int’l Language) (the credit Chinese course, LKADU4U)
• Bayview SS (YRDSB, Sat. Int’l Language)
• North York Senior Centre
• The China Path
Nigel Naigang Zhai, M.A.
Unit 1810, 66 Forest Manor Rd., North York, M2J 0B7, 647‐716‐8116 [email protected]
Lecturer of Chinese Language & International Coordinator July 2007‐ June 2011
International Office, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China
• Delivered various Chinese courses to undergraduate and graduate students from around 30 countries
and areas
• Designed, prepared and developed teaching materials according to student needs
• Acted as the key contact for all international cooperation and exchanging programs, including Students
Programs, Teachers Programs and Delegations of foreign universities.
Doctoral candidate, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other languages,September 2022‐July 2026
Master of Arts in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics September 2004‐July 2007
East China Normal University Shanghai, China
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and literature September 2000‐ July 2004
Ludong University Shandong, China
Distinction of the term “Second Language Acquisition”
Journal of Northwest University for Nationalities 2006
A Study on Lexical Teaching of TCM Chinese M.A.Thesis, 2007
-The Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)会员
-International Language Testing Association (ILTA)会员
-Canadian Association of Language Assessment (CALA)会员
-加拿大叶氏教育集团|YIP'S CANADA中文项目负责人;
-Somerset Academy 中文项目负责人,教授学分中文课LKMBD-LKMDU;
-约克区教育局YRDSB国际语言项目中文教师,Employee #982248;
-约克区天主教教育局YCDSB学分中文课【LKADU4U】教师,Employee #25217;
-Somerset Academy-G9 Credit Course- 【LKMBD】教师,熟悉curriculum development及growing success、assessment plan.
-加拿大GTA汉语考试服务中心|GTA Chinese Language Test Centre主任
加拿大种子教育|SEED EDUCATION INC.国际部主任;
教育培训|Education Background
2022-2026 国际中文教育专业博士在读
2004-2007 华东师范大学对外汉语学院 硕士学位
2011 国家汉办“2011年度外国本土汉语教师教材培训班” 结业证书
2014 国家汉办“全球汉语考试考点”总结培训会议 汉语考试A级考官证书
工作经历|Work Experience
2007-2011 上海工程技术大学国交处
2011.7-Present 径·The China Path中文学校 合伙人及首席教师
2011.8-2014 北约克老年中心 汉语教师
2012.2-Present 约克教育局国际语言项目(G3-8) 汉语教师
2012.4 首届“海外华裔青少年中华文化大赛”多伦多组委会成员
2012.5 第四届中学生 “汉语桥”多伦多赛区选拔赛组委会成员
2012.6 多伦多第十二届中华青少年学艺比赛主持人
2013.4 第五届中学生 “汉语桥”多伦多赛区选拔赛组委会成员
2013.4-6 约克天主教教育局 国际语言项目(G12 学分课)汉语教师
2013.4-2016.3 邦德教育集团、多伦多汉语水平考试中心 中文项目主管
怎样激发海外学生学习中文的兴趣 ——海外中文教与学探讨之二
2015 TD-熊猫杯青少年中华才艺大赛 新闻稿2015 TD-熊猫杯青少年中华才艺大赛圆满落下帷幕
2016.3-present 加拿大GTA汉语考试服务中心|GTA Chinese Language Test Centre
考试形式的革命性改革 “中心”在加拿大首开先河,试点实行汉办网络中文考试服务中心(北美)最新研发的极速低级别汉语考试系统。ü 考务工作的服务型转变ü 配套服务 贴心完善ü 深入社区,设立授权考场
• 7 years’ of experience in education with reputable post‐secondary institutions in both China and North America with extensive knowledge of public and private education systems
• Over 20 years’ teaching experience with both foreign students in China and Chinese students in Canada including York Region District School Board, East China Normal University, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.
• Excellent cross‐cultural communication skills, leadership skills, mature, self‐motivated
• Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from top ranked teachers’ university
Ph.D candidate, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other languages
Supervisor | Mandarin Programs July 2017-
Yip's Canada
Chinese Teacher,G5-8 and G9 Credit Course(LKMBD)July 2017-
Somerset Academy
Founding Director Jan. 2019-
Canadian Society of Chinese Language Education |www.cscle.ca
Client Support and Business Development May 2016 – June 2017
Watermark insurance Service Inc. Toronto, Canada
• Responsible for developing Mandarin‐speaking market in GTA that established business relationships
with insurance brokers and advisors to grow business through cold call, in‐person meeting,
presentation and other business development tactic
• Successfully facilitate advisors’ new insurance application process by connecting the applicants with
nurses and other resources, booking appointments, coordinating health examinations and solving
• Maintain the existing relationship with current clients by constant communication, product and service
Founding Director April 2016‐present
GTA Chinese Language Test Centre Toronto, Canada
• Proactively acted as an ambassador of Chinese language and culture in the GTA to promote language
learning and evaluation with around 200 students taking tests every year
• Creatively designed the website, social platform and all marketing materials for the centre from scratch
• Constantly provided counseling and services related to Chinese proficiency test and answered inquiries
from parents and students
• Liaised with local media, educational institutions and organizations for marketing and public
relationship opportunities to expand the services and increase the impact
Program Manager May 2012‐ March 2016
Bond Education Group | Bond International College Toronto, Canada
• Effectively Promoted Bond’s educational programs through creating, managing and growing social
media presence, i.e. blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other strategically relevant online platforms
• Wrote blog posts, articles, newsletters and other communications and marketing material for social
media channels (http://www.bondcollege.cn/2015/0612/111.html)
• Worked as a key contact and mentor for new internationally students to get them familiar with the
new learning environment and ensure optimized learning experience Managed students’ dormitories
to provide international students a well‐organized and disciplined living environment
Program Manager & Chinese Teacher May 2012‐March 2016
HSK Toronto Centre (Bond Education Group) Toronto, Canada
• Managed Chinese proficiency tests
• Managed, promoted and taught Mandarin Panda Summer Camp from 2012‐2015
• Successfully organized 15 seminars and workshops to promote mandarin programs in North America
• Co‐Founder and Committee member of the 1st Mandarin Panda Competition with over 500 students
participating the event
Chinese Teacher September 2012‐ June 2013
Toronto, Canada
• St. Robert CHS (YCDSB, ACE, Sat. Int’l Language) (the credit Chinese course, LKADU4U)
• Bayview SS (YRDSB, Sat. Int’l Language)
• North York Senior Centre
• The China Path
Nigel Naigang Zhai, M.A.
Unit 1810, 66 Forest Manor Rd., North York, M2J 0B7, 647‐716‐8116 [email protected]
Lecturer of Chinese Language & International Coordinator July 2007‐ June 2011
International Office, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China
• Delivered various Chinese courses to undergraduate and graduate students from around 30 countries
and areas
• Designed, prepared and developed teaching materials according to student needs
• Acted as the key contact for all international cooperation and exchanging programs, including Students
Programs, Teachers Programs and Delegations of foreign universities.
Doctoral candidate, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other languages,September 2022‐July 2026
Master of Arts in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics September 2004‐July 2007
East China Normal University Shanghai, China
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and literature September 2000‐ July 2004
Ludong University Shandong, China
Distinction of the term “Second Language Acquisition”
Journal of Northwest University for Nationalities 2006
A Study on Lexical Teaching of TCM Chinese M.A.Thesis, 2007
-The Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT)会员
-International Language Testing Association (ILTA)会员
-Canadian Association of Language Assessment (CALA)会员
-加拿大叶氏教育集团|YIP'S CANADA中文项目负责人;
-Somerset Academy 中文项目负责人,教授学分中文课LKMBD-LKMDU;
-约克区教育局YRDSB国际语言项目中文教师,Employee #982248;
-约克区天主教教育局YCDSB学分中文课【LKADU4U】教师,Employee #25217;
-Somerset Academy-G9 Credit Course- 【LKMBD】教师,熟悉curriculum development及growing success、assessment plan.
-加拿大GTA汉语考试服务中心|GTA Chinese Language Test Centre主任
加拿大种子教育|SEED EDUCATION INC.国际部主任;
教育培训|Education Background
2022-2026 国际中文教育专业博士在读
2004-2007 华东师范大学对外汉语学院 硕士学位
2011 国家汉办“2011年度外国本土汉语教师教材培训班” 结业证书
2014 国家汉办“全球汉语考试考点”总结培训会议 汉语考试A级考官证书
工作经历|Work Experience
2007-2011 上海工程技术大学国交处
- 国际交流与合作事务
- 中外高校的校际互访项目;
- 教师交流项目;
- 暑期学生交流项目;
- 外国留学生(学历生)汉语教学及学生事务管理
- 港澳台留学生管理
2011.7-Present 径·The China Path中文学校 合伙人及首席教师
2011.8-2014 北约克老年中心 汉语教师
2012.2-Present 约克教育局国际语言项目(G3-8) 汉语教师
2012.4 首届“海外华裔青少年中华文化大赛”多伦多组委会成员
2012.5 第四届中学生 “汉语桥”多伦多赛区选拔赛组委会成员
2012.6 多伦多第十二届中华青少年学艺比赛主持人
2013.4 第五届中学生 “汉语桥”多伦多赛区选拔赛组委会成员
2013.4-6 约克天主教教育局 国际语言项目(G12 学分课)汉语教师
2013.4-2016.3 邦德教育集团、多伦多汉语水平考试中心 中文项目主管
- 中文项目负责人
- 媒体宣传撰稿
- 中国留学生管理
- 汉语教学:
- Bond Academy课后中文兴趣班项目
- Bond Education Group中文夏令营项目
- 汉语测试:
- HSK Toronto Centre网络考试开发人及负责人
- HSK考试奖学金夏令营项目
- 孔子学院奖学金项目
- YCT考试市场推广负责人(社区私校+公立教育局国际语言项目的合作)
- BCT大多地区首次考试策划人
- 教学研究
- 海外中文教学交流平台 创办人
怎样激发海外学生学习中文的兴趣 ——海外中文教与学探讨之二
2015 TD-熊猫杯青少年中华才艺大赛 新闻稿2015 TD-熊猫杯青少年中华才艺大赛圆满落下帷幕
- 文化推广活动
- 多伦多秦淮元宵灯会(首届、第三届)组委会核心成员
2016.3-present 加拿大GTA汉语考试服务中心|GTA Chinese Language Test Centre
考试形式的革命性改革 “中心”在加拿大首开先河,试点实行汉办网络中文考试服务中心(北美)最新研发的极速低级别汉语考试系统。ü 考务工作的服务型转变ü 配套服务 贴心完善ü 深入社区,设立授权考场